Principium motus – now in an English translation – provides an antidote to currently prevailing interpretations in the natural sciences. The “fields” and “forces” that physics still operates with are rejected, and everything that happens in nature and the cosmos is shown to rest solely on the ability of all things to act freely and of their own accord. This ability is the principium motus the book’s title refers to: it revokes the separation between physics and metaphysics, and Creation and Creator become one.
Alfred Schmid’s “vision”, speculative as it may be, is that of a scientist. In his younger years, he was a professor of physical chemistry at the University of Basel, as well as a successful inventor, before he addressed himself to more philosophical and religious questions. His Principium motus was originally published in German language posthumous in 2007 (edited by Graue Edition ISBN 978-3-906336-49-7), and continues his thoughts published in his Traktat über das Licht (Graue Edition ISBN 978-3-906336-00-8 / English version The Marvel of Light ISBN 978-3-906336-94-7).This product is an E-Book and only available in digital form. It cannot be purchased in this shop. To purchase this Book please go to one of the following links:
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Nachwelt (posterity) includes a selection of Philip Larkin’s best poems selected by Ulrich Horstmann with an additional comment. Bilingual edition German/English.Übersetzung von Ulrich Horstmann. Horstmann (*1949), Kleist-Preisträger 1988, hat auch eine Gedichtauswahl des Larkin-Gegenspielers Ted Hughes und Robert Burtons Anatomy of Melancholy übersetzt. Philip Larkin (1922–1985) verbrachte seine produktivsten Jahre in Nordengland, wo er hinter der Fassade des randständigen Einzelgängers (Hermit of Hull) gleich doppelt reüssierte: als umtriebiger Direktor der Universitätsbibliothek sowie als bedächtig arbeitender Literat, der nach seinem Fehlstart als Romancier mit ganzen drei in Zehnjahresabständen veröffentlichten Gedichtbänden zur nationalen Ikone aufrückte.
Principium motus – now in an English translation – provides an antidote to currently prevailing interpretations in the natural sciences. The “fields” and “forces” that physics still operates with are rejected, and everything that happens in nature and the cosmos is shown to rest solely on the ability of all things to act freely and of their own accord. This ability is the principium motus the book’s title refers to: it revokes the separation between physics and metaphysics, and Creation and Creator become one.
Alfred Schmid’s “vision”, speculative as it may be, is that of a scientist. In his younger years, he was a professor of physical chemistry at the University of Basel, as well as a successful inventor, before he addressed himself to more philosophical and religious questions. His Principium motus was originally published in German language posthumous in 2007 (edited by Graue Edition ISBN 978-3-906336-49-7), and continues his thoughts published in his Traktat über das Licht (Graue Edition ISBN 978-3-906336-00-8 / English version The Marvel of Light ISBN 978-3-906336-94-7).
The field of vision of scientists is daily becoming narrower as it is more and more confined to the microscope-like use of scientific formulas. It is true that statements about conditions in the microscopic realm can be arrived at in this way, but the spirit with its autonomous capacity which enables us to grasp the world in its entirety is more and more denied and dethroned. "The more we know about what a thing is doing, the less we know about what it really is".
In the view of the author, however, this development represents a return in the swing of the world pendulum: We are witnessing the historic change-over which leads from mathematical abstraction of the individual unit to the gnostic vision of the whole. As a natural science philosopher, the author stands for the thesis "God created man so that by this partaking in spirit he is able to comprehend the revelations of nature which are active in each space-time moment".
His physical theses are novel, compelling and decisive enough to challange the reader to take up his own position.
"There is no such thing as radiant energy!" - this central thesis runs through the entire text like Galileo's inexorable "and nevertheless the earth does move!"
Alfred Schmid (1899-1968), a Swiss citizen, taught from 1928 to 1931 as an associate professor of physical chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland. After some years in Germany he returned to his home country in 1946.
As a physical scientist he became well-known for his inventions, such as that of the "diffusion gas electrode" in 1923. "Through the works of Alfred Schmid, the way was opened for the development of modern fuel cells", K. J. Euler "The Development of Electrolytical Fuel Cells", 1974, Munich.
Alfred Schmid furthermore discovered, among other things, the "semipyrophorous" character of iron; he invented and developed the glass-fiber-reinforcing of artificial resins, and the primary battery, as well as so-called "homogenous wood", the predecessor of chipboard.
During the last fifteen years of his life he focussed his attention particularly on natural philosophy and published this book under the original title of "Traktat über das Licht" (Athenäum Verlag, Bonn, 1957).
See further "Principium Motus" published by Graue Edition.
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